Monday update and the future!

As I have now written a hefty amount of blog posts gushing over Ethiopia, and now that I am starting a new adventure, I thought I would make Memory Lane Monday into Memory Lane Monthly.

I still have so many memories to share with you but I will now be posting once a month so that I have more time to tell you about the exciting things going on in Korea! I leave on Sunday so it is all getting very real…!

So what you’ll see from now on is a new weekly photo feature, at least one longer post about what I’ve been getting up to and some intervals down Memory Lane…

Thanks for reading guys!


Another little update…

As some of you may have noticed I didn’t post a new Memory Lane Monday post this week, which I am very sorry about if you have been missing them! Basically, like I said last week, there is a lot going on over here on Journey Count and I am taking a little break from writing about my beloved Ethiopia.

So, updates.

As of tomorrow I will be officially switching over to my own domain name, I’m doing it through wordpress so hopefully this won’t make any difference to any of you and you should be redirected even if you do type the old address in. I just wanted to shout it out so as not to confuse!

I also want a little more feedback from you and this time I’m going to try out a Poll for the first time. How exciting! Basically I still have so much I could tell you all about and sometimes it can be a little overwhelming on my end- a lack of focus is hard work! So, please please take part in the mini questionnaire and let me know what you’d most like to hear about in the next few weeks.

One last thing, I know I’ve been pretty quiet about the whole Korea thing. This is mostly due to the fact that I haven’t really had time to process any of it yet. But, I want this blog to be helpful to others who may be looking to do similar things, so over the next few months I’m going to be posting something once a week about the whole crazy application process and what I’ve learned from it!

If there is anything you’d especially like me to write about, Korea-wise or travelling-wisee, then let me know in the comments below!

So you aren’t completely bored of me and my updates here is a cute picture of a Panda!

And pose with the bamboo

And pose with the bamboo

A little Monday update…

I interrupt my regular Memory Lane Monday scheduling to bring you some news about what’s going on behind the scenes at Journey Count.

As you may know from my About Me page, Oli and I had decided that after we graduated we wanted our first adventure into the world of work to be a teaching position in South Korea and over the past 4 months we have been trying hard to make that happen. It has been a pretty wild ride through the application process, a post about which I will be writing soon- I have many valuable lessons to preach to anyone thinking of teaching abroad, specifically in Korea.

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