Journey Update, Week 13

Another week has rushed past, and it was a very special one too as yesterday marked our quarter year anniversary of living in Korea! How mad is that?!

Despite all of the travelling and all of the excitement and preparation for coming to Korea, I had never really imagined myself living abroad. And now that I am here I am really relishing all the little things that go along with it, like having a job (and earning money!), cooking home cooked meals and enjoying them with new friends, and most of all having my weekends back to explore and have all of the fun!

I loved university but wow is it hard to always have an essay, or an exam, or some other kind of deadline forever looming over your very unscheduled schedule!

Don’t get me wrong though, I know I’ll get sick of ‘living for the weekend’ at some point, but for now I’m loving me some structure!

Anyway, so this week was a very chilled one as we went to Daegu to visit friends, watched movies snuggled on the sofa away from the increasingly cold evenings and went to work as usual.

Actually the most notable thing to happen was receiving care packages from home!! Thanks to all our mums! We are now fully stocked up on cold and flu remedies, PJs, tea bags, christmas gifts and love!

In fact we really got in the christmas spirit this weekend- we bought christmas jumpers and festive hats, cooked a roast dinner in our new (!!!) oven and hung a santa decoration on our cactus!

Here’s just a couple of snapshots from our week.

We found the cutest cafe in Daegu and had hot chocolate! I must do a post about Korea's cafes soon...

We found the cutest cafe in Daegu and had hot chocolate! I must do a post about Korea’s cafes soon…

Strolling along the river near Keimyung.

Strolling along the Sindang river near Keimyung.

Looking out over North Daegu and it's mountains on Keimyung campus.

Looking out over North Daegu and it’s mountains on Keimyung campus.

The oh so pretty Keimyung University in Daegu.

The oh so pretty Keimyung University in Daegu.

Nothing makes me think of home more than eating a roast dinner!

Nothing makes me think of home more than eating a roast dinner!


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