Memory Lane Monday: Inca trail inspiration

As part the Peru chapter of our 8 month adventure around the world in 2010 Becky and I had signed up to hike the Inca Trail for 4 days ending up in the one and only Machu Picchu. This is my journal entry from those four days… with slight modifications! One thing I realised as I read through this post before publishing is how many exclamation marks I used and I worried about my integrity as a writer but then I decided not to change it as I thought the inca trail really is something to exclaim over! So here goes, exclamations and all:

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Memory Lane Monday- The joy of getting stuck in Southern Ethiopia

One of the many incredible things about travelling is the times that should, technically, be awful but magically turn out to be, well, magical.

Travelling in southern Ethiopia is hard. No scheduled buses and the most basic of accommodation and often the most basic of foods (if any!). It is hard but oh so rewarding and if you spend enough time there you begin to not only accept its hardness but you begin to slow down to African time and that’s when the really special experiences reveal themselves.

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Introducing Memory Lane Monday

As my first proper post I thought I’d introduce a feature that will allow me to tell you guys about my previous travels. I am calling it Memory Lane Monday! Basically, on Mondays I’ll be travelling down memory lane, telling a story about a place I’ve been to or about something I’ve done that simply needs to be shared with you!

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Hello world wide web!

At the ripe old age of 19 my dear friend Becky and I took off on an 8 month adventure across 4 continents and 11 countries. Little did I know it then, but that trip would change me.

When I came back home, I took off again on the closer to home adventure of university. And to my luck, the University of Birmingham not only held adventures and learning but also a link back to a travelling fling – and that would changed me and my life all over again.

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