Complete guide to Cagliari

As you may well have guessed from previous posts I love a cheeky weekend away! People often ask me how I afford to go away so much and there are two things that I tell them:

1. I am constantly saving as much of my limited income as I can, because I know travel is what I want to spend money on!

2. If you go onto any cheap airline site, such as Easy Jet or Ryan Air, and you are indiscriminate about where you want to go and even when you want to go, you can find cheap flights. Usually for under £25 one-way. I simply browse for interesting place names, google where they are and what they have to offer and then check which month is cheapest for flights. Simple.

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A Winter wander to Northern Spain

One of the incredible things about living in the UK is having the rest of Europe only an Easy Jet (or Ryan Air!) ride away! While at uni I have managed a fair few fantastic little excursions of this sort including two trips to Spain and single trips to Italy and Budapest. Today I’m going to tell you about the most recent: 4 days in Oviedo, Northen Spain, in December.

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