Journey Update, Week 12

This past week can be summed up quite nicely with two F-words. Friends and food.

Between finishing off the first series of Boardwalk Empire with nightly showings with two of our wonderful Uiseong chums, and heading to Yeongcheon to visit the Epik crew, we’ve barely even felt like this was a working week!

Yeongcheon was especially brilliant not only because got to visit our good friend Sonny’s adopted hometown (just outside of Daegu), but we got to catch up with almost the whole gang there as well. We hadn’t seen each other properly in quite a while and had an awesome time chatting, drinking Makgeoli, browsing Korean vintage shops, eating home-made stew and salsa, enjoying puppy cuddles, and generally sharing the love!

Whilst there we also had one of our best Korean meals to date: Ori Bulgogi, 오리 불고기. This duck and kimchi fried deliciousness is quite simply delicious. If you are in Korea, you need to get on it and eat all the ori bulgogi!

Before we knew it it was Pepero day on Monday! For all our English readers, Pepero are like those Mikado chocolate biscuits and Korea has a whole day devoted to sharing them with your friends, family and, of course, teachers! I was pretty touched at how many little Pepero gifts I received from my kids, especially as so many were unexpected.

On Pepero day we went to the orphanage and made awesomely cute people out of paper. Korean crafts are fun!


Yey, student love!

One last thing to mention is the weather. We are English after all.

Basically guys, winter has arrived. The beautiful trees have shed their leaves, I can see my breath as I wait for the bus and my classroom looks more like ski school then an English lesson. It is damn cold and sadly it will only get colder. And colder. And colder. Sad face.

Actually that makes three F’s- it’s freezing.





and laughs,


and puppies,


and cuddles!

and cuddles!

Before we bid you farewell, I want to let you in on some behind the scenes blog stuff. We will soon be moving over to self-hosted, so basically on our own in the big wide world web and with much more control over what we can do to the blog. All the nitty gritty is rather boring, but the reason I am telling you is that it could be a big help to us if you follow us by email using the ‘follow us..enter your email address’ box on the right sidebar of the blog. We will try and transfer our followers over so you can still get updates, but, just in case, having your email will make it much easier! So if you can, please sign up by email! 

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