Journey update, week 10

Oli and I have made the executive decision to axe Insta-challenge weekly in favour of a more general photo update of what we’ve been up to. He isn’t using his phone or Instagram as much these days as he is delving deeper into the Flickr world and, well, I keep winning anyway!

Although this week we drew!

So friends, family and followers welcome to week 10 in photos, and a few choice words!

Autumn seemed to spring up from nowhere this week, with extremely cold mornings (thankfully followed by sunny days) and trees transforming into a rainbow of colours. I know that from now on, when Autumn comes around, I will think of Korea!

This week was a very typical one, but with one very special weekend thrown in. We had none of our usual busy travel plans to Daegu or anywhere else, so took the opportunity to take our first real bike adventure! It was an incredible weekend, one that definitely deserves a full post of its own. For now, here are some of our favourite photos.

Let us know what you think!

The autumn colours we drove to see did not disappoint.

The autumn colours we drove to see did not disappoint.

Monk. Mountain. teMple. aMazing. Juwangsan national park was full of special moments, and many many people.

Monk. Mountain. teMple. aMazing. Juwangsan national park was full of special moments, and many many people.

And then we hit the coast, i.e. squid country

And then we hit the coast, i.e. squid country

So. much. squid. I adore this photo, and there are so many more to come in a very squid-focused post about our night on the East Coast

So. much. squid. I adore this photo, and there are so many more to come in a very squid-focused post about our night on the East Coast

Being exhausted the night before meant we woke up for sunrise and caught the catch up the day coming in.

Being exhausted the night before meant we woke up for sunrise and caught the catch up the day coming in.

Moody skies and calm seas.

Moody skies and calm seas.

I concur.

I concur.

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